1. “Are you trying to lose weight?”
If someone was trying to lose weight they’d probably be on one of those popular weight loss diets such as the Atkins, Paleo, Southbeach, Weight Watchers, or Jenny Craig. No, eating gluten free does not mean you are trying to lose weight. There is plenty of gluten free junk food out there to keep you from burning calories. Eating gluten free gives anyone with celiac disease a chance to live a healthy life and not be in pain all the time.
2. “I bet you never eat!”
Yes, at first going gluten free is hard and it feels like there is nothing good to eat, but eventually you get used to it and can figure out how to get the foods you love.
3. “How does it feel not being able to eat good food anymore?”
Ever try gluten free nachos, pizza, lasagna, spaghetti, brownies…..yes gluten free eaters still enjoy good stuff!
4. “I could never be gluten free.”
Even if this is meant to compliment the person’s will power, it’s not fun to hear. Any person who has to stick to a strict diet doesn’t want to hear that you think their life sucks. They already know how hard it is, they don’t need someone to reaffirm it!
5. “If gluten is so bad then why does everyone still eat it?”
There are gluten skeptics out there that believe the whole gluten free movement is all a big hoax because why all of a sudden is gluten bad when it wasn’t before? Well if you were one of the over 3 million Americans whose body hurts when they eat gluten and doesn’t when they don’t eat gluten, then maybe you’d understand.
6. “Why don’t you just take off the bun?” (When a restaurant messes up the food order)
For a person with celiac disease, it only takes an eighth of a teaspoon of gluten to send their body into a whirlwind. It’s much better for them to be cautious than to feel sick later. Be sensitive to their needs when food orders get messed up!
7. “Let’s get Chinese food.”
Unless you know of a sweet restaurant like PF Chang’s that offers a gluten free menu, chances are your local Chinese restaurant is crawling with gluten. This is mainly because soy sauce contains wheat, which contains gluten, and soy sauce is commonly used in the food. And if it’s not then there’s also the soup bases, flour ingredients and fried dishes to worry about. Basically, if you’re taking a gluten free eater to a restaurant, opt out of Chinese unless you know they have safe gluten free options.
8. “You’ll be fine just have a little bite.”
As said in #6, it only takes an eighth of a teaspoon of gluten to cause trouble for someone with celiac disease. So while you think “just a bite” won’t hurt, it may very well throw their body off for a long period of time. Be understanding and don’t peer pressure gluten free eaters into trying gluten foods, it makes life a lot easier for them when they aren’t being tempted by gluten.
9. “You’re a picky eater.”
If there’s one thing any celiac wishes they could do, it’d be to eat without having to ask questions or customize an order. Just be simple. But unless the restaurant is completely gluten free or they are eating at home, it’s not a luxury they can enjoy. So change the word “picky” to “cautious” or “smart” eater.
10. “Don’t you miss eating gluten?”
Does a person with celiac disease miss being pained by horrible symptoms that make it hard to get through the day? No. But does a gluten free eater ever wish to be “normal” and be able to go out to eat without interrogating the wait staff, go to a friend’s house without having to bring their own food, or be able to eat the treats that a coworker brings to work…YES. They don’t need a reminder!
What would you add?
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