The popularity of going gluten free has soared over the last several years, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise to see celebrities hopping on the gluten free bandwagon. Some suffer from celiac disease or gluten sensitivity and others are just hoping to improve their health or image. Here are a few of many celebrities that have chosen to live the gluten free lifestyle:
Jennifer Espisito, actress – After struggling with debilitating symptoms for years, Jennifer was finally diagnosed with celiac disease and began her gluten free journey. Determined to spread the word about celiac disease and bring gluten free to the mainstream, she created the Jennifer’s Way Foundation. According to her website,, the foundation is, “dedicated to the advancement of awareness, research, and education of celiac disease.”
Elisabeth Hasselbeck, TV personality – Elisabeth was diagnosed with celiac disease after a decade of dealing with symptoms and not knowing why she was sick. This inspired her to write a book to share her story and provide information on living gluten free, The G-Free Diet.
Ryan Phillippe, actor – Ryan told Men’s Health magazine about changing his diet due to a gluten allergy, while being interviewed before the release of his movie, “MacGruber”, in 2010.
Drew Brees, NFL quarterback – Drew detailed his diet regimen in an interview with Sports Illustrated, where he mentioned his allergies to dairy, gluten, eggs and nuts.
Zooey Dechanel, actress – Zooey revealed that she can’t eat eggs, dairy, or wheat, in an interview on In the interview, she explains how she gets her meals specially made and delivered while shes on the set of her TV show, The New Girl.
Lady Gaga, singer/performer – According to the Huffington Post, Lady Gaga switched to a gluten free diet in order to lose weight for her international tour in 2012. Gaga doesn’t suggest she has any sensitivities to gluten, but she was hoping removing it from her diet would increase her energy and improve weight loss. This brought on a bit of controversy for the celiac community, as many were concerned the gluten free lifestyle was turning into a “FAD” and it would take the focus off the actual health concerns.
Miley Cyrus, singer/actress/performer – Miley responded to negative comments about her slim figure in 2012 by tweeting, “For everyone calling me anorexic, I have a gluten and lactose allergy. It’s not about weight it’s about health…”

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